Buzzing for Change: Fundraising Initiatives to Save the Bees

With the rising cost of maintaining a website, providing resources online for individuals who are interested in learning about beekeeping, honey production, honey uses, and additional facts pertaining to bees and maintaining a hive, we have come to a point where we are asking for donations from our visitors and avid beekeeping enthusiasts to help us maintain our site, apiary, and many resources tied to this project.

We need help to save the bees, and individuals who would like to help me help the bees, are going to be able to donate through our online donation site dedicated to beekeeping.

How Funds Will Be Used

Upon receiving donations from our site visitors, from individuals who are looking for information pertaining to beekeeping, harvest, and other invaluable information we provide on our site, we will use the donated funds for a variety of sources.

From maintaining the apiary, to adding new equipment, purchasing the required tools to harvest honey, and using funds to help maintain a healthy and sustainable site for bees.

We will also allocate a portion of the funds which are donated to creating online resources for our readers. For those who are new to beekeeping, we will have online content and myself to respond to any questions you might dream up, provided to assist you in learning how to set up a beehive, how to care for bees, when to start harvesting, and so forth.

We also write content on our site for avid beekeeping enthusiasts who are looking for tips and tricks to continually harvest more honey, as well as online articles for those who are more advanced in beekeeping.

This year all the swarm colonies will be adopted out using your donated funds to bee lovers wanting a hive to maintain and grow. All funds will be allocated towards these different projects, which will allow us to continually develop online content for your reading pleasure, and will allow us to continue to maintain a well laid out apiary for honey production and beekeeping locally.

Where/How to Donate

For those who are interested in helping me help the bees, you can donate through our online paypal site button below. Visitors will be directed towards a paypal site.

Whether you are new to our page or have been a visitor for some time, please help us save the bees. Any amount is greatly appreciate, and all donations are going to be put to use, allowing us to continue to develop and deliver the content our readers wish to receive online. All donations are claimed as a received profit by us to the government.

Or why not join a bee keeping association to help!

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